In the pursuit of expanding scientific and knowledge collaboration, today marked the first online meeting between the University of Karbala, represented by Dr. Mohsen Hassan Hussein, the Scientific Assistant to the Dean of the College of Computer Science, Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the College of Computer Science, and Dr. Haider Imran, the Director of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations, and the University of Pahang, Malaysia (UMP). The aim was to establish the foundations of scientific cooperation in the fields of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, as well as joint research between the two sides in the field of computer science and information technology.
The meeting included an extensive presentation from the Malaysian side on the scientific capabilities of the university and the support programs it provides. At the conclusion of the meeting, the parties agreed to proceed with developing mechanisms for joint cooperation, including supervising graduate students and organizing joint seminars. Additionally, an invitation was extended to the College of Computer Science and Information Technology to attend a scientific conference to be held in the eighth month by the Malaysian university, focusing on computing and information technology.