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Minister of Education Affirms: Women are Partners in the Success of University Institutions and their Scientific Achievements

Dr. Naeem Al-Abboudi, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, affirmed that women are partners in the success of university institutions and their scientific achievements, noting that female faculty members constitute 41% of the total number of lecturers in universities.

This came during his speech at the opening of the scientific conference titled “Towards a National Strategy for the Development of Iraqi Women in accordance with Islamic Principles and National and Social Constants.” He stated that educational and university institutions are rich with distinguished female competencies who hold important positions such as university presidents, vice presidents, general managers, deans of colleges, assistant deans, and department heads, in addition to female faculty members, who constitute 41% of the total number of lecturers in both governmental and private universities.

The Minister of Education urged for serious efforts to raise levels of societal awareness and to highlight the importance of women’s participation in the national development process, emphasizing their impact in societal building. He stressed that the responsibilities of women’s development are not exclusive to a single entity but are a shared responsibility that falls on everyone, while calling for the establishment of a national environment supportive of women in accordance with authentic Islamic, national, and societal principles.

The opening activities of the conference, which lasts for two days, included official speeches by several female deputies, representatives of ministries and relevant institutions, as well as research sessions addressing the impact of women on societal reform, their influence on economic development, societal building, and sustainable development.