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Minister of Education inaugurates new buildings and emphasizes continuing to develop the technical education environment and keep pace with global developments

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, affirmed the work to develop the technical education environment, open new departments and buildings, update its programs responsible for the quality of outputs and stimulate its educational environment towards keeping pace with global technologies.

This came in his speech during the opening ceremony of the buildings of the departments of accounting techniques, legal administration, surveying techniques and oil and gas refining at the Technical Institute in Samawah of the Middle Euphrates Technical University, where he said that the angle of interest in technical education is based on the fact that it is the cornerstone of the developmental renaissance and is the way to develop the skills of young people, develop their capabilities and provide them with the knowledge and experience necessary for effective participation in the labor market.

He added that the Iraqi government has paid great attention to the technical education sectors to achieve sustainable development, produce technical and technical national segments armed with the necessary expertise and skills to accelerate the economy, and provide the industrial and technical sectors with human resources that strengthen the country’s position locally, regionally and internationally.

The Minister of Higher Education inspected, in the presence of the Governor of Muthanna, the President of its Council and university presidents, the Department of Building and Construction Technologies and the building of smart halls at the Technical Institute in Samawah, stressing that the Ministry continues to complete construction projects in universities and rehabilitate existing ones in order to provide an advanced educational environment for students and teaching staff before the start of the new academic year to be ready to receive students.

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, honored a number of martyrs’ families and a number of distinguished people in the field of scientific research and international publication