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Karbala University President participates in the ceremony honoring the “exemplary female student” at the Holy Shrine of Al-Husseiniya

The President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Bassem Khalil Nayel al-Saidi, participated in the ceremony honoring the “exemplary student in Iraqi universities” organized by the Women’s Media Division of the General Secretariat of the Holy Husseiniya Shrine in the presence of university presidents, college deans and religious figures.

The university president called on female students to follow the example of Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), who was an example of chastity, indicating that the common sense of women is incompatible with the exposure of their physical misdeeds, and calls for their concealment and concealment.

“The hijab does not restrict the freedom of women and is not a reason for their backwardness and lack of success in life and isolation from the world as some claim; because Islam is the only religion that came to liberate women from slavery and inferiority and wanted them to be role models in morals and ideals,” Saidi explained.

Al-Saidi expressed his support for such initiatives that contribute to building the personality of women, because they are the nucleus of building the family and society, while he thanked the parents of female students and the Holy Shrine for its keenness to build human beings and society.

This competition is one of the educational and ethical initiatives organized by the General Secretariat of the Holy Shrine of Al-Husseiniya to encourage female students to maintain modesty on campus.

At the end of the ceremony, the President of Karbala University and a group of professors, women and students were honored.

A large number of female students from Iraqi universities participated in the ceremony, which was organized in the hall of Sayyid al-Islamiya inside the Al-Husseini Mosque, and was attended by a group of professors, presidents and deans of universities and deans of colleges