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An Electronic Training Course (Conference Management by Using Openconf)

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Department of Computer Science at the University of Kerbala held an electronic training course entitled: (Conference Management by Using OPENCONF)

The lecture in the Department of Computer Science (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ashwan Anwer Abdulmunem) gaves electronic training for three days about a conference management system. The course was attended by more than (50) participants interested in the subject from various faculties of Kerbala University and other universities. The first day of training, the lecturer talked about defining the basics of conference management and the important steps to ensure its success. The second day, the lecture explained the conference management details through the OPENCONF system. Also, She clarified the basics of the system and the options available in it for managing the research sent since the beginning of its sent to the conference by the participating researchers until the final decision is taken, whether it is acceptance or rejection. On the other hand, she is determining the scientific committees and evaluators and how they are registered in the system. she clarifies the tasks of each one of them. In addition to that, she clarifies the method of sending research from the system to the scientific committees, she also shows the management and monitoring of all the cases that research goes from capture, plagiarism until evaluation. The last day of the course, the lecture dealt with how to manage research data and researchers and save a copy of this data for use in subsequent conference sessions. Finally, she shows how to issue reports on everything that exists in the system, such as the number of research for each axis in particular and all themes in general.