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An Online training course entitled (MySQL Essential)

The faculty of computer science and information technology- The department of computer science held an online training course entitled MySQL Essential presented by Huda Ragib and Zehraa Najem lecturers in the department of computer science at the University of Kerbala. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system based on SQL, which is a language programmers use to create, modify, and extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access to the database. MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including Wikipedia, Google (though not for searches), and Facebook. The MySQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, and easy to use as it consists of a multi-threaded SQL server that supports different backends, several different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a wide range of programming interfaces. The training course was attended by a number of people interested in database management.