Education announces the results of the admission of the first students from vocational study graduates within the vacant seats

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the results of the admission of the first students in Iraq from graduates of vocational study branches within the vacant seats of the first batch for the academic year 2025/2024. The results include the admission of (110) students to public universities in their academic and technical specialties according to the corresponding and close specialisation according to their desire. In this regard, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research directs universities to start student registration procedures and adopt…

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Education announces admission results for morning special government education channel

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the results of the admission of students within the channel of morning special government education (parallel) for the academic year 2025/2024. The results include the admission of 21765 students from the academic year 2024/2023 and 6846 students from the academic year 2023/2022, while the number of students admitted to the colleges of the medical group within this channel (2995 students). In this regard, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research directs universities to start student registration procedures…

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Announcing the results of the admission of students graduating from outstanding schools

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the results of the admission of students from graduates of distinguished schools and Baghdad College studying in English for the academic year 2025/2024. The results include the admission of (1983) students according to (15%) of the central admission seats for the academic year 2025/2024, of which the number of students admitted to the colleges of the medical group within this channel (862). In this regard, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research directs universities to start student…

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Launching the data filling phase for applying to private universities and colleges

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of the second phase related to the electronic filling and authentication of data and uploading supporting attachments according to the type of student to apply to private universities and colleges for the academic year 2025/2024. The Ministry invites those wishing to apply to download the PEAS application and create an account from the student himself and complete the verification of the student himself through the student's live photo and national card and complete the process of…

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Minister of Education receives head of Iraqi Media Network

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr Naim Al-Aboudi, received the President of the Iraqi Media Network, Karim Hamadi, and his accompanying delegation. The Minister of Education praised the level of cooperation between university institutions and the Iraqi Media Network and its formations and its professional performance in keeping abreast of local, regional and global events and achievements related to government institutions and public services, stressing that during two years of responsibility and deliberate academic work, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research achieved…

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Launching the Guidance Guide for Centralised e-Application to Private Universities and Colleges

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of the guideline for applying to private universities and colleges for the year 2025/2024. The guide includes the general principles adopted by the central electronic application and admission system, the conditions and controls for applying to the morning and evening study, the controls for other channels, the free scholarship for the medical group, the minimum limits for applying by specialties to private universities and colleges, the admission inputs for each department, the application mechanism through the…

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Launching the application for applying to private universities and colleges

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of the electronic application for applying to private universities and colleges for the academic year 2025/2024. The Ministry invites those wishing to apply to download the PEAS application and create an account from the student himself and complete the verification of the student himself through the student's live photo and national identity card. It explains to its students that the next stage, which will be announced later, includes the procedure for filling in accurate study data…

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Minister of Education inspects Baghdad University’s Faculty of Arts and participates in a workshop on co-operation with Japanese universities

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr Naim Al-Abboudi, visited the Faculty of Arts at Baghdad University and inspected its departments, classrooms and learning environment. The Minister of Education visited a number of specialised departments, met with students and professors and listened to their suggestions and views, stressing that humanities disciplines are of positive importance and that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research views this type of environment that provides an appropriate environment for the cross-fertilisation of perceptions, ideas and outstanding research efforts.…

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Education announces the results of transferring students from outside Iraq

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the results of the transfer of students from outside Iraq according to the international private education channel (government and private) for the academic year 2025/2024. The lists published on the Studies and Planning Portal ( included the results of the transfer of students according to their options proven in the electronic form. The Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up calls on the accepted students to start the registration procedures and proceed to universities within two weeks from Monday,…

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University President discusses with Karbala Governor the implementation of infrastructure projects at the university

The President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr Sabah Wajid Ali, held a meeting with the Governor of Karbala, Engineer Nassif Jassim Al-Khattabi, at the Faculty of Medicine to discuss the plan to develop and build infrastructure in the staff district. The President of the University, Dr Sabah Wajid, praised the efforts of the local government of Karbala in implementing infrastructure projects, as well as the interest in academic projects. He toured the sites on which the projects are to be implemented with the Governor and a number…

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