Visit of the Dean of the College of Computer Science to the Finance Department

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Dr. Muwaffaq Kazem Al-Hassnawi, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by Administrative Assistant Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, visited the Finance Department on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as part of their inspection tour of the Dean's Office building. During the visit, they assessed the operations of the department and provided some important feedback for its improvement. Dr. Al-Hassnawi praised the efforts made by the department's staff and encouraged them to continue their dedication to enhance both the academic and practical aspects of…

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Visit of the Dean of the College of Computer Science to the Media Department

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Dr. Muwaffaq Kazem Al-Hassnawi, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by Administrative Assistant Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, visited the Media Department on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as part of their inspection tour of the Dean's Office building. During the visit, they reviewed the operations of the department and provided some important feedback for its improvement. Dr. Al-Hassnawi commended the efforts made by the department's staff and encouraged them to continue their dedication to enhance both the academic and practical aspects of…

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Visit of the Dean of the College of Computer Science to the Equipment Unit

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Dr. Muwaffaq Kazem Al-Hassnawi, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, along with Administrative Assistant Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, visited the Equipment Unit on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as part of their inspection tour of the Dean's Office building. During the visit, they examined the operations of the unit and provided some important feedback for its improvement. Dr. Al-Hassnawi praised the efforts made by the unit's staff and encouraged them to continue their dedication to enhance both the academic and practical aspects of…

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Visit of the Dean of the College of Computer Science to the Administrative Department

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Dr. Muwaffaq Kazem Al-Hassnawi, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by Administrative Assistant Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, visited the Administrative Department on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, as part of their inspection tour of the Dean's Office building. During the visit, they reviewed the operations of the department and provided some important feedback for its improvement. Dr. Al-Hassnawi acknowledged the efforts made by the department's staff and encouraged them to continue their dedication to enhance both the academic and practical aspects of…

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Visit of the Dean of the College of Computer Science to the Registration Division

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Dr. Muwaffaq Kazem Al-Hassnawi, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, visited the Registration Department on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, accompanied by Administrative Assistant Dr. Essam Hamed Abbas, during his inspection tour of the Dean's Office building. He familiarized himself with the workflow in the department and expressed some important observations regarding its development. He commended the efforts exerted by the department's staff and encouraged them to contribute more to elevate both the academic and practical aspects of the college.

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Dean Visits the Scientific Affairs Unit

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On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Dr. Mowafaq Kazem Al-Hasnawi, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by the Administrative Assistant Dr. Issam Hamid Abbas, visited the Scientific Affairs Unit during his inspection tour of the dean's building. Dr. Al-Hasnawi reviewed the workflow within the unit, provided important feedback for enhancing its operations, and praised the efforts of the staff. He encouraged them to continue their dedication to improving the academic and practical standards of the college, emphasizing the importance of their contributions to…

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Dean Visits Quality Assurance Division

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On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Dr. Mowafaq Kazem Al-Hasnawi, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by the Administrative Assistant Dr. Issam Hamid Abbas, visited the Quality Assurance Division during his inspection tour of the dean's building. Dr. Al-Hasnawi reviewed the workflow within the division and provided important feedback for enhancing its operations. He appreciated the efforts of the staff and encouraged them to continue their dedication to improving the academic and practical standards of the college. His visit underscored the importance of…

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Dean Visits the Human Resources Division

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On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Dr. Mowafaq Kazem Al-Hasnawi, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by the Administrative Assistant Dr. Issam Hamid Abbas, visited the Human Resources Division during his inspection tour of the dean's building. Dr. Al-Hasnawi reviewed the workflow in the division, appreciating the efforts of the staff. He encouraged them to continue their dedication to enhancing the academic and practical standards of the college, emphasizing the importance of their contributions to the overall progress of the institution.

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Dean Visits the Scientific Departments Building

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On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Dr. Mowafaq Kazem Mohsen, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, accompanied by the Administrative Assistant Dr. Issam Hamid Abbas, visited the scientific departments building as part of his inspection tour. The purpose of the visit was to review preparations for the end-of-semester exams scheduled to be held there. Dr. Mohsen praised the efforts of those involved in organizing the examination process, acknowledging their dedication to ensuring the smooth conduct of exams and the overall academic progress of the…

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Dean Visits the Website Division

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On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Dr. Mowafaq Kazem Al-Hasnawi, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, along with the Administrative Assistant Dr. Issam Hamid Abbas, visited the Website Division during his inspection tour of the dean's building. Dr. Al-Hasnawi reviewed the workflow in the division, commending the efforts of the staff and encouraging them to continue their dedication to improving the academic and practical standards of the college. He emphasized the importance of their contributions to the college, university, and the broader community of…

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