IT Dept. Holds Student Activity

The Department of Information Technology at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology organized on Thursday the 29th. of Dec. 2022 a student activity on the occasion of the advent of the new year. The ceremony was attended by a group of tutors led by the head of the department Dr. Zaid Nasrallah and the coordinator Mr. Ali Al-Nasrawi. In his opening speech, the head of the department stated “We look with pride at the accomplishments made in 2022 and aspire to more in the coming…

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College of Computer Science and Information Technology Runs Workshop

The Division of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology ran on Monday the 2nd of Jan. 2023 an in-person training workshop for tutors entitled (The Updated Performance Evaluation Form and How to Prepare for it). It was presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ashwan Anwar Abdul-Mun’im, a tutor in the Department of Computer Science. She clarified the items of tutor performance evaluation and the most important updates on the form. In addition, she emphasized the importance of meeting all requirements…

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The Department of Information Technology holds a workshop for the maintenance of computers

The Department of Information Technology in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a workshop for the maintenance of personal computers for the students of Karbala University on Wednesday and Thursday, 9-10/11/2022. Students and lecturers of the department participated in the activity. It happened in the building of the department.The workshop included free services such as maintenance and installation of software and solutions to computer software problems. Also, the workshop aims to train the students of the department on the most basic principles in the…

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Attended Training Workshop Entitled “Fulbright Program Visiting Scholar to Iraq

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Karbala held a training workshop entitled "Fulbright Program Visiting Researcher to Iraq" today, 7/11/2022, in the Information Technology Department of the college.The workshop was managed by asst. Teacher Ali Muhammad Reda Al-Nasrawi, rapporteur of the Information Technology Department. Dr. Muhammad Fayez Abu Al-Ma’ali, administrator of the Calculator Center at Al-Zahra University for Girls, the representative of the non-profit Amideast Foundation, and its program director, Mr. Zaid Badi’ were lecturers in it.It is a program supported…

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A webinar entitled Using raspberry pi in computer science: Benefits and opportunities

The College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology at the University of Karbala, Department of Computer Science, held a Seminar entitled ( sing raspberry pi in computer science: Benefits and opportunities), presented by ( Dr. Asam Hamed Abba ) The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit-card-sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. The main goal for Rpi is to learn program languages and develop software applications. It has been developed at the University of Cambridge to encourage…

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course entitled “Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming”

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology -University of Kerbala holds a course which is entitled (Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming), with the participation of a number of professors, specialists and students.The course deals with the basic principles of programming robots that have autonomous capability and how to program Elegoo Robots and deal with a set of motors and sensors that enable the robot to identify the environment in which it is located to accomplish simple tasks.The course discusses the possibility of identifying the Arduino environment for…

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University of Kerbala Closing up the Graduate Support Course

The University of Kerbala has closed up the activities of a course to support graduates in establishing their small and medium enterprises, with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers.The course addresses the issue of entrepreneurship as one of the most important determinants of economic growth in various countries of the world. Encouraging small and medium enterprises for graduates is one of the most important development strategies in developed countries.It deals with assistance programmes that would contribute to advancing development in this sector.The course also…

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Symposium entitled  ( Cyber Security Awareness )

The Department of Information Technology at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Karbala, held a scientific symposium entitled  (Cyber Security Awareness) on Tuesday 22/2/2022 at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon in the Graduate Studies Hall in the Department of Computer Science. The target group of the symposium is the student segment. The symposium aims to be among the activities of the Psychological and Educational Counseling Unit. The aim of the symposium is to educate students about the importance of information protection, as…

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A webinar on recommendation systems entitled (Implicit feedback information in recommendation systems)

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Karbala, the Department of Computer Science, held a panel discussion entitled (Implicit feedback information in recommendation systems) The lecture was given by Dr. Mohsen Hassan Hussein, the lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, where the lecturer gave an introduction to the recommendation systems and their importance in the research side in addition to the economic side as they help to promote products of all kinds and as a result increase sales and profits. Recommendation…

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Training Course about C++ language

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a training course about the language (C++).The lecture was presented by the lecturer Rand Abdel Wahed in the Department of Computer Science. The lecture included the basics of programming in C++.This course aims to increase students’ skills in programming and raise their abilities in this range.The lecture provided examples of simple typing sentences, defining variables, arithmetic operations, conditional sentences, explaining text variables and how to deal with them, leading to complex and then more complex examples of software…

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