IT Dept. Participates in Huawei Competition

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A number of IT students participated in Huawei's annual competition (Huawei ICT Competition Middle East 2022). The Huawei competition includes three exams. The first is the Preliminary Exam held in one of the Huawei testing centres in Iraq at the end of October. As for the second test, the National Exam, the candidates successful in the first test will compete at the level of Iraq. The candidate successful in the second test qualifies for the Middle East test held in the Sultanate of Oman in December. There…

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Workshop on Effects of Office Work and Tablets on Physical Health

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The Department of Information Technology at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology ran an educational workshop entitled “Office work and tablets and their effects on physical health”. The workshop was managed by Dr. Muhammed Abid Aziz, a lecturer at the Department of Information Technology, and Dr. Muhammed Jassim Muhammed of the Karbala Education Directorate. This workshop aims to educate the office staff, including teachers and employees, on the health problems caused by excessive office work and working on tablets for long periods of time. It…

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CSIT Lecturer Chairman of Discussion Committee at Babylon University

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayad Hameed Mousa, a lecturer at the Dept. of Computer Science was chosen as chairman of a committee to discuss a master's thesis by Hawra’ Mahdi Salih entitled (Reducing the Cost of File Transportation in Cloud Computing by Using Vogel’s Approximation Method). The public discussion took place at the College of Information Technology, University of Babylon on Wed. We wish continued success to Dr. Iyad Hameed Mousa and congratulate the researcher Hawra’ Mahdi Salih for getting the master’s degree in computer science/software

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Community Service Committee Assists OrphansAs part of the activities of the Community Service Committee

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at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology and under the direct auspices and guidance of the Dean of the College and the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ahmed Abdul-Hadi Al-Asadi, the Committee provided on Sunday the 20th of Nov. 2022 in-kind assistance to orphans at Imam Al-Sadiq Mixed School for Orphans.Orphans are considered the weakest category in the social structure as they have lost their breadwinner who qualifies and takes care of them in order to lead a decent life similar to the rest of…

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IT Lecturer Receives Award

Among the distinguished achievements in the field of scientific research, Dr. Miras Salman Al-Shammari, a lecturer at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, published a collaborative research paper with Prof. Yan Li and Dr. Shihab Abdullah, College of Engineering and Science, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. The research paper entitled (Detecting Distorted Vehicle License Plates Using Novel Preprocessing Methods with Hybrid Feature Descriptions) was published in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. The journal's research interests include system analysis, image processing, object detection, artificial…

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The CSIT College Organizes Seminar

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The College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Karbala held on Thursday a seminar on drugs and their impact on societal peace entitled “Drugs, a crime against yourself, your family and community”. It was conducted at the Great Hall in the university presidency with the participation of the Drug Control and Community Police Directorates in Holy Karbala. The seminar was held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Basim Khaleel Nayil Al-Sa'eedi, President of Karbala University and the direct supervision of the Dean of…

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The College of Computer Science and Information Technology discusses a master’s thesis on ( Intelligent decision support model for healthcare data management based on fog computing)

A master's thesis was discussed in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Karbala it was titled:( Intelligent decision support model for healthcare data management based on fog computing)A thesis submitted by the student (Auras Abdul Khader Hussein).It held on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, in the Sayyid al-Shuhada Hall for discussions in the College of Engineering. The study sheds light on the important role of using machine learning algorithms in health care.The researcher reached a number of results, the most important of…

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IT Dept. Holds Student Activity

The Department of Information Technology at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology organized on Thursday the 29th. of Dec. 2022 a student activity on the occasion of the advent of the new year. The ceremony was attended by a group of tutors led by the head of the department Dr. Zaid Nasrallah and the coordinator Mr. Ali Al-Nasrawi. In his opening speech, the head of the department stated “We look with pride at the accomplishments made in 2022 and aspire to more in the coming…

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College of Computer Science and Information Technology Runs Workshop

The Division of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology ran on Monday the 2nd of Jan. 2023 an in-person training workshop for tutors entitled (The Updated Performance Evaluation Form and How to Prepare for it). It was presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ashwan Anwar Abdul-Mun’im, a tutor in the Department of Computer Science. She clarified the items of tutor performance evaluation and the most important updates on the form. In addition, she emphasized the importance of meeting all requirements…

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The Department of Information Technology holds a workshop for the maintenance of computers

The Department of Information Technology in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a workshop for the maintenance of personal computers for the students of Karbala University on Wednesday and Thursday, 9-10/11/2022. Students and lecturers of the department participated in the activity. It happened in the building of the department.The workshop included free services such as maintenance and installation of software and solutions to computer software problems. Also, the workshop aims to train the students of the department on the most basic principles in the…

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