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College of Computer Science Defends Master’s Thesis on Coverless Information Hiding Using Machine Learning Techniques

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology at Karbala University discussed a master’s thesis titled “Coverless Information Hiding Using Machine Learning Techniques
(Saba Hamed Rashid) at 9:30 am on Sunday, 5/8/2024, as the discussion took place in Al-Khwarizmi Hall at the Deanship of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology in the presence of the Dean, Dr. Muwaffaq Kazim Al-Hasnawi, and a number of researchers and teachers.
The study shed light on: On the methods of hiding text without cover based on the features of the Arabic language.
The researcher proposed two new methods for hiding textual information without cover, the first is the generation method based on the statistical model of the Arabic language using first-order Markov chains, while the second method is the search method based on the features in the Arabic language.
The discussion committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Majid Jabbar Jawad / Babylon University / Faculty of Girls’ Sciences / Chairman, Assistant Professor Dr. Iyad Hamid Mousa / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Mohsen Hassoun / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member, and Assistant Professor Dr. Damia Abbas Habib / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor.
The discussion was successful and the researcher Saba Hamed Rashid was awarded a master’s degree.