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College of Computer Science Defends Master’s Thesis on Image Generation Conditioned On Text Using Diffusin Model

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A master’s thesis entitled Image Generation Conditioned On Text Using Diffusin Model was discussed at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at Karbala University by the master’s student (Sarah Faiz Abdul Ghani Azouz) at 9:30 am on Wednesday, 11/9/2024. The discussion was held in Al-Khwarizmi Hall at the Deanship of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology in the presence of the Dean Dr Muwaffaq Kazim Al-Hasnawi and a number of researchers and teachers. The study highlighted : Generative models and in particular the stable diffusion model, as these models have contributed to the development of allowing artificial intelligence to generate fairly realistic images from text and have been used in various forms and fields. The researcher found that: The proposed method after fine-tuning the stable diffusion model leads to a significant improvement in producing diverse and conforming images of the text and the results of the optimised model indicate a higher Inception Score when compared to the baseline model.

The discussion committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Bahija Khudair Shukr / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Chairman, Assistant Professor Dr. Alham Mohammad Thabet Abdul Amir / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member, Assistant Professor Dr. Ehsan Ali Karim / Kufa University / Faculty of Urban Planning / Member, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ashwan Anwar Abdul Moneim / Karbala University / Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor. The discussion was successful and the researcher Sarah Fayez Abdulghani Azouz received the degree of Master’s Degree