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Computer Science Conducts Final Exams for Undergraduate Students for the Academic Year 2023-2024

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The College of Computer Science and Information Technology conducted its final exams for undergraduate studies for the academic year 2023-2024, covering the first semester courses. Dr.Mowafak Khadom Mohsen, the dean of the college, inspected the classrooms to monitor the progress of the exams, accompanied by the administrative assistant, Dr. Assam Hameed Abbas.

During his tour of the examination halls, Dr. Mowafak Khadom Mohsen highlighted the smooth flow of the examination process. He directed the faculty members and the examination committee to interact flexibly, positively, and humanely with the students. He emphasized the importance of handling emergency situations responsibly and transparently in accordance with legal frameworks.

The final exams aim to assess the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the first semester, representing a significant part of the educational process.