You are currently viewing Excerpts from a TV interview with the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi

Excerpts from a TV interview with the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has achieved 90.18% in achieving the government program for 2023, and we are expecting the release of the program implementation indicators in the first half of 2024

We succeeded in obtaining international accreditation for medical schools from the WFME and launched the Study in Iraq program to attract international students

Global rankings are important in the field of international reputation and more than 100 public and private universities are present in most of the rankings Iraq achieved 37th place in the Times ranking

Thirty specialized Iraqi scientific journals in Scopus and Clarivate, and we achieved one-third of the published Iraqi scientific research out of 147509 in the repositories within two years

The Bologna process applied in technical universities and science and engineering specialties gives a large space for the student and links university education to the variables of the labor market

The Prime Minister is supportive of the Ministry of Higher Education and has ordered financial rewards for scientific research and international publication and gives the scholarship file special importance

The evaluation exam revealed the level of competition between public and private universities, and we took scientific procedures and administrative decisions based on the results of the centralized test

The level of private universities is improving through the scientific research index and twinning programs with distinguished international universities

In 2030, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research will receive one million students at once, and the private sector must work alongside the government sector to absorb this increase

We have developed a realistic plan for the admission of students in postgraduate studies, which reached about 30 thousand and we are working to occupy all seats according to merit.

The ninth amendment to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law came into effect and we rely on competence in selecting leaders.