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Huawei Academy opens its courses at the University of Karbala

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The Huawei Academy at the University of Karbala is holding a training course on network basics (first level). The course lasts for 10 weeks, from 20 February to the end of May, with one lecture per week. The course consists of 22 chapters, which start with the principles of data transmission and basic networking components, and end with the latest networking technologies. The Huawei IT Academy platform will be adopted as an educational platform that enables the participant to study according to his free time. There will also be one lecture per week to explain the subject to the participants. A number of students from the University of Karbala and Al-Taff College, as well as a number of graduates, participated in the course. The course was started by Dr. Zaid Nasrallah, the one responsible for the academy at the University of Karbala, He explains a detailed the types of training courses available on the Huawei Academy platform, as well as the different levels for each subject. The aim of these courses is to provide opportunities for the student to obtain jobs in the private sector market, as well as local and global.