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In a meeting of the opinion body. Voting on the comprehensive electronic transformation of the Ministry of Education and its institutions

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, chaired the ninth meeting of the Opinion 2024 Commission in the presence of all its members from the advanced staff and presidents of public universities.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister of Education emphasized the concerted efforts and strengthening the positive steps to achieve the mission of the educational institution and its development goals through the gate of qualitative excellence in university performance and sober scientific research that embodies and summarizes the identity of Iraqi universities in addition to their missions in providing scientific achievement and community service, pointing out at the same time that the diligent work of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in internationalizing the university education environment has enhanced the capabilities of university institutions in addressing current challenges and laid the direct path to develop scientific institutions and enable them to achieve their goals.

He urged to work with the powers delegated to the administrative formations and facilitate the completion of procedures in accordance with legal requirements and reduce time and effort to serve the public interest.

The members of the opinion body discussed the paragraphs on its agenda and voted on the following decisions👇:

▪️ Approval of the comprehensive electronic transformation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its universities.

▪️ Approving the disbursement of engineering and professional allowances for holders of higher degrees.

▪️ An employee who provides incorrect information related to his job will not be counted as a non-employee, whether he obtained his degree inside or outside Iraq.

▪️ Exempting students from the amounts disbursed in the context of study fellowships and financial aid for those who were appointed by the Federal Service Council while they are in the language learning period.

▪️ Approval to address the evaluation of a number of certificates in light of the exclusive powers of the opinion body stipulated by law.

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi concluded the meeting by saying that the new academic year 2025/2024 represents an important opportunity and window to complete academic programs and embody their effectiveness, calling at the same time on all Iraqi university students to continue excellence in this inspiring scientific journey in which the enrichment of knowledge and the development of societies are achieved.