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Karbala University President follows up on the progress of the competitive exam for students applying for postgraduate studies

Karbala University President Prof. Dr. Bassem Khalil Nayel al-Saeedi followed up on the progress of the competitive exam for students applying for postgraduate studies in the faculties of Karbala University for the academic year 2024-2025.

(2008) students participated in the exam to obtain seats in the higher diploma, master’s and doctoral programs in (15) colleges. The university president was accompanied by his assistant for scientific affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein Al-Janabi, and was received by the deans of the colleges organizing the exam. He reviewed the progress of the exam, the preparations made by the colleges and the level of services provided to the students.

At the same time, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced the participation of (51123) students in the competitive examination for admission to postgraduate studies for the academic year 2025-2024. The applicants competed for seats in open studies within the higher diploma, master’s and doctoral programs, which amounted to (2254) programs and in light of the admission plan, which included (29954) study seats distributed on the channels of general admission, special expenses and privileges.

The Ministry indicated that the interview of applicants for admission will take place from the ninth of July, while the results of the competitive exam will be announced through the official website of the university and college on 14/7/2024, and then a time limit will be available for objections and the announcement of their results and final admission and the issuance of university orders on 8/15/2024 for those accepted so that they can start studying on the first of next September.