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Karbala University President reviews the progress of final exams in several colleges

The President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Bassem Khalil Nayel Saidi, and Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein Al-Janabi followed the progress of the final exams for university students in the Faculties of Science and Education for Pure Sciences within the Fareeha Complex.

During his tour, the university president was accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Hassan Jamil, and the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Dr. Hamida Aidan.

Al-Saeedi inspected the quality of services provided to students and the suitability of exam halls to conduct exams. He also inspected the work of the exam committees and instructed to overcome the obstacles that hinder the conduct of exams for students and professors.

The various faculties at Karbala University had made preparations and provided various requirements for the success of the exam process