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Karbala University witnesses the laying of the foundation stone for two research centers

Karbala University witnessed the laying of the foundation stone by the Governor of Karbala, Engineer Nassif Jassim Al-Khattabi, for the project of the Innovation and Creativity Center and the Environment Research Center.
The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by University President Dr. Bassem Khalil Nayel al-Saidi, his assistants for administrative and scientific affairs Dr. Akram Mohsen al-Yasiri and Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein al-Janabi, Chairman of the Federal Strategic Planning and Services Committee MP Laila al-Bayati, Deputy Chairman of the Provincial Council Mahfouz al-Tamimi, Deputy Governor Luqman al-Maliki, Chairman of the Higher Education Committee in the Provincial Council Dr. Mohsen al-Kanani, college deans and a number of academic figures.
In his speech, Al-Khatabi said that Karbala province is on a date with many strategic projects, including the Center for Creativity and Innovation and the Environmental Research Center at Karbala University.
He pointed out that the aim of establishing the projects is to build the creative and innovative capabilities of students, teachers and inventors from various disciplines and transform creative ideas into innovations with marketable economic value.
Al-Khatabi stressed his support for all projects that contribute to investing the creative energies of graduates, explaining the importance of utilizing scientific efforts related to renewable energy in Karbala Governorate and the Middle Euphrates.

For his part, University President Dr. Bassem Khalil Al-Saeedi appreciated the support of the local government in Karbala in its legislative and executive branches, expressing his hope to accelerate the implementation of projects that serve the segments of society, especially the academic segment

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