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Minister of Education confirms that he will continue to modernize and develop the engineering education environment and meet the requirements of the labor market

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Abboudi, affirmed the continuation of developing and modernizing the engineering education environment, keeping up with contemporary developments, supporting scientific research in the engineering sectors, and meeting the requirements of the growing labor market.

This came in his speech during the celebration held by the ministry at Baghdad University on the occasion of the Iraqi Engineer’s Day, where the Minister of Education praised the tasks of this segment, which has become a vital role in covering urban requirements, taking the lead in the construction of infrastructure, and striving to innovate technological, industrial and technical solutions.

The Minister of Education added that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is moving forward with vigorous steps to develop the engineering education environment, modernize it, develop it, keep pace with contemporary scientific developments, support scientific research fields in the engineering sectors in order to enhance the outputs of these sectors to meet all the requirements of the growing labor market and work to adapt the absorptive capacities in universities and colleges and diversify them in line with international specialized forums.

The ceremony included speeches by the Director General of the Department of Construction and Projects at the Ministry and the Engineers Syndicate, a screening of a film about university projects, honoring university presidents of engineers, as well as honoring the directors of construction departments in university institutions