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Minister of Education Honors National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Na’im Al-Abboudi, honored the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq on the occasion of Iraq’s recognition and international accreditation by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).

During the official ceremony attended by various parliamentary, governmental, and academic figures, the Minister stated that this historical achievement would remain a landmark for generations. He emphasized the significance of Iraq’s recognition and international accreditation by the World Federation for Medical Education, whose experts conducted scientific evaluations and program assessments of the medical education climate and mechanisms of the Iraqi Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges.

The Minister affirmed that the decision of the World Federation for Medical Education granted to Iraq summarizes the academic integrity of our institutions, their certificates, and study programs. He highlighted the eligibility of their educational systems and their responsible capabilities in achieving their missions and goals according to internationally recognized standards. He also pointed out the assurance of the Iraqi certificates path and the delivery of the expected level of performance.

The ceremony included speeches and honors for members of the Parliamentary Education Committee, Dr. Firas Al-Muslimawi, the head of the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Agency, Dr. Salah Al-Fatlawi, the president of the Deans Committee of Medical Colleges, Dr. Anis Khalil, and several deans of medical colleges in Iraqi universities that have received accreditation from the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq.

Government Media and Communications Department
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
February 25, 2024