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Minister of Education participates in International Youth Day and announces the launch of 1000 loans to support projects

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Abboudi participated in the celebration of International Youth Day on behalf of Prime Minister Mohammed Shi’a Al-Sudani.

In his speech during the ceremony organized by the Supreme Council for Youth, which was held at Al-Mustansiriyah University in the presence of a number of advisors, university presidents and a crowd of students, he stressed that it is a matter of pride, responsibility and joy to represent His Excellency the Prime Minister, Engineer Mohammed Shi’a Al-Sudani, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth, on this occasion in which youth celebrate their international day, which coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the Supreme Council for Youth.

On this occasion, the Minister of Education announced the launch of the National Digital Youth Team, which will include a thousand young men and women specialists and those interested in the digital field to be a nucleus to lead the digital transformation, support pioneering ideas and provide innovative solutions in the environment of sustainable development, in which Iraq, through its universities and academic institutions, ranked seventh in the world and first in the Arab world in the Times Sustainable Development Ranking.

In this regard, he announced the launch of the registration form for robotics and artificial intelligence centers, the launch of a thousand loans to support projects in the digital sector, the completion of the procedures for launching the national strategy to eliminate digital illiteracy, which includes important axes related to educating society about the digital sector and how to use and benefit from digital technology through a range of programs and various events, training, qualifying and creating programmers capable of achieving positive change in the digital field, supporting and sponsoring youth projects in the digital field financially, morally and technically, and establishing

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