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Minister of Education visits Diyala University, inaugurates new buildings and confirms work to complete university projects

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr Naim Al-Abboudi inaugurated the building of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Diyala. The Minister of Education, in the presence of the President of the University of Diyala and a number of MPs, stressed that medical education in Iraq has become characterised by quality and some specialties have obtained international accreditation, which requires continuing to develop and strengthen the environment of university medical education and take into account its requirements and accommodate the number of students in these important and necessary disciplines for society. During his visit to the University of Diyala, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr Naim Aboudi opened the annex of the building of the University Presidency and the building of the Deanship of the Faculty of Education, which is located in the Faculty of Education.