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Minister of Higher Education Emphasizes Universities’ Contribution to Scientific Programs and Specialized Research in Counterterrorism and Extremism

Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, emphasized the contribution of university institutions to the development of scientific programs and specialized research in the field of counterterrorism and confronting extremism.

This statement was made during his speech at the joint scientific conference with the Counterterrorism Agency, where he explained that the Iraqi strategy to combat terrorism prioritizes the role of higher education institutions in this field. The strategy outlines several policies aimed at enhancing the mission of these institutions in combating violent extremism leading to terrorism.

He added that universities positively contribute to this aspect by disseminating awareness and educational programs, conducting scientific research, specialized studies, and providing training opportunities through programs that qualify youth to confront and resist negative ideologies. These programs also enhance their critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

On his part, Lieutenant General Kareem Aboud Al-Tamimi, the head of the Counterterrorism Agency, commended the direct scientific engagement of the Ministry of Higher Education and its universities in combating extremism and confronting terrorism. He also acknowledged their contribution to implementing this national mission in collaboration with specialized security institutions.