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Symposium entitled  ( Cyber Security Awareness )

The Department of Information Technology at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Karbala, held a scientific symposium entitled  (Cyber Security Awareness) on Tuesday 22/2/2022 at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon in the Graduate Studies Hall in the Department of Computer Science. The target group of the symposium is the student segment. The symposium aims to be among the activities of the Psychological and Educational Counseling Unit. The aim of the symposium is to educate students about the importance of information protection, as each individual should be aware of his responsibility towards protecting the information and electronic devices he uses, whether they are personal or affiliated with the work entity (companies, departments or institutions in the public and private sectors) and his full awareness of the importance of not disclosing With important security information and his knowledge of the errors resulting from the failure to apply the security rules set by the competent authorities and to ensure that they are not exceeded. Security awareness is considered one of the most important lines of defense and the protection of information and resources at the lowest cost. The study proved that the amounts spent on educating employees or people in general are less of the money spent on repairing the damages resulting from information leakage and its access to unauthorized persons. The symposium also discussed crimes and electronic attacks and the groups most vulnerable to them and ways to protect them. It also discussed the main types of threats and how to detect them and ways to protect against them.