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The Cisco Academy at the CSIT organized a training course titled “Introduction to Router and Switch Networks for CCNA Level.”

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The local Cisco Academy at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology conducted a training course on the Introduction to Router and Switch Networks for CCNA Level on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at the Cisco lab. The course was conducted by Dr. Ahmed Saleh, Mr. Ahmed Ali Kareem, and Engineer Marwa Ali Nasser.

The course aimed to provide advanced qualifications in understanding and comprehending the basics of computer networks. It covered topics such as selecting appropriate communication devices based on the project type, the philosophy behind subnetting IPv4 network addresses within the subnetting cider concept, the difference between VLMS, and choosing the best algorithm for data transmission between source and destination, such as OSPF.

The instructors emphasized the importance of conducting such training courses in the field of networks to acquire fundamental skills in network systems.