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The College of CSIT organized an educational workshop titled “Dealing with Document Forgery Cases.”

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The workshop took place on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at Al-Khwarizmi Hall and was conducted by Dr. Ingham Adel and Mr. Ali Hassan.

The workshop aimed to raise awareness among employees in document issuing authorities about the risks of document forgery. It covered administrative aspects and the reasons leading to document forgery, as well as methods to prevent it. Additionally, it clarified the deceptive methods of forgery and the attempts to match the forged document with the original, as well as how forgers manipulate to obtain official stamps and signatures to achieve their goals easily. Moreover, it discussed the legal consequences of forgery.

The presenters recommended the necessity of intensifying practical workshops for staff members working in document issuing authorities and training them on the latest methods and mechanisms to detect tampering and forgery of stamps and signatures on official documents.