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The Department of Computer Science holds a workshop entitled (The dangers of negative use of social media)

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The Department of Computer Science at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology / University of Karbala held an educational workshop entitled (The Dangers of Negative Use of Social Media) on 3/28/2023, presented by the lecturers (Prof. Dr. Mohsen Hassan Hussein) and ( Rand Abdul-Wahed Muhammad Ali) and in the presence of a number of lecturers and students of the first stage in the college.
The workshop aims to clarify the nature and importance of social media and the risks resulting from the wrong use of these sites. Health problems (physical and psychological) resulting from the negative and excessive use of social media for long hours a day were addressed. On the other hand, the lecture dealt with the social and family effects resulting from these websites.
At the end of the workshop, a number of tips were given to the students to avoid the health and social harms resulting from the excessive and incorrect use of social media.