You are currently viewing The Minister of Education directs the formation of specialized committees to implement the ninth amendment to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law and accelerate the completion of its new variables

The Minister of Education directs the formation of specialized committees to implement the ninth amendment to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law and accelerate the completion of its new variables

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi chaired a meeting of the advanced staff where they discussed the procedures and steps to implement the ninth amendment to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. 40 of 1988.

The meeting reviewed the importance of the amendments, which will enhance the scientific aspect of higher education institutions and strengthen the environment of administrative and organizational contexts that will achieve the goals of universities and their formations in serving the community.

The Minister of Education directed the Legal Department to form specialized committees from the concerned departments to crystallize the special instructions and regulations stipulated in the ninth amendment to the Ministry’s law and accelerate the steps of legal adaptation and completion of the new variables that have an impact on the educational process and scientific research.

The meeting discussed a number of topics on the agenda, and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi concluded the session by stressing that the timing of the upcoming academic year 2025/2024 should be taken into account according to the determinants of academic programs in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Department of Media and Government Communication
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
July 28, 2024