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The Minister of Education directs to fill the graduate studies plan and authorizes universities to address critical cases in the competitive exam

In order to address the vacant seats in the admission plan for postgraduate studies for the year 2025/2024 and complete the possible procedures to include those who succeeded in the competitive examination in the differentiation according to merit by reserving the unoccupied seats in all admission channels, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi directed the following treatments: Opening the door for rotation between all privilege seats for successful candidates to fill their vacant seats from 2024/7/30 to 2024/8/1.

Universities have the right to rotate from the general admission channel to the special expense channel to fill vacant seats (if any) according to merit from 2024/8/1 to 2024/8/6. Successful candidates within the general admission and special expense channels are allowed to rotate to the vacant concession seats.

Authorizing university councils to grant critical cases close to success in the competitive examination no more than five degrees to fill vacant seats as of 7/8/2024. Including the category of people with special needs a second additional seat based on the first amendment to the Disabled Persons and Special Needs Law No. (38) of 2013 with the obligation to fulfill the success condition