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The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the availability of 90 Indian scholarships for undergraduate and master’s degrees.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the availability of 90 scholarships offered to Iraq from Maharishi Markadeshwar University in India for undergraduate and master’s studies in various fields.

The Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department clarifies that the scholarships are divided into 60 seats for undergraduate studies in computer applications, business administration, accounting, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biotechnology, chemistry, and medical laboratory technology. Additionally, 30 seats are allocated for master’s studies in physics, chemistry, biotechnology, mathematics, botany, microbiology, with the application deadline set for Monday, April 15, 2024.

Application conditions and requirements can be found here: link to PDF.

Application link for the donor side:

Portal for the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department:

Government Media and Communications Department
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
March 14, 2024