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Visit of the Central University Committee to the College of Computer Science

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The central committee of the University of Karbala visited the College of Computer Science and Information Technology. The committee, consisting of Dr. Maki AbdulMajeed Al-Rubaie and Dr. Jasim Hanoun Al-Awadi, was warmly received by the dean of the college, Dr. Mowafak Khadom Mohsen, the administrative assistant, Dr. Issam Hameed Abbas, and the heads of the scientific departments.

The purpose of the visit was to monitor the academic and administrative activities of the college, as well as to review the progress of the examination process for undergraduate studies and check on the students’ conditions.

At the end of the visit, the committee commended the dean, his assistants, and the heads of the scientific departments, praising their efforts in ensuring the success of the educational process at the college.