بهيجة خضير شكر

الرتبة الاكاديمية : استاذ 
اللغات : العربية – الأنكليزية
محل العمل : جامعة كربلاء – كلية علوم الحاسوب و تكنولوجيا المعلومات – قسم علوم الحاسوب


1- بكالوريوس رياضيات تطبيقية الجامعة التكنولوجية

2- ماجستير علوم الحاسبات جامعة بابل

3- دكتوراه علوم الحاسبات جامعة بابل

مقررة  قسم الحاسبات كلية العلوم سابقا

  • الإشراف على طلبة الدراسات العليا
  • المناقشات لطلبة الدراسات العليا
  • التقييم العلمي لاطاريح ورسائل الدراسات العليا
  • التقييم العلمي للبحوث والترقيات
  • تدريس الدراسات الأولية
  • امن المعلومات
  • معالجة الصور
  • إخفاء المعلومات
  • الوسائط المتعددة
  • اخفاء معلومات
  • امنية شبكات متقدمة
  • منهج بحث

1-B.K.AL-Shukur, “design and generate hybrid non-linear keys “, Journal of Babylon University, 2002.

2-B.K.AL-Shukur,M.A.Salman , “Design and evaluate non-linear generator using filtration method “,2002.

3- B.K.AL-Shukur, “Constructing and Generate a Hybrid Non-Linear Keys”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.10, 2005.

4- B.K.AL-Shakur, “Design and Evaluation Complex Non-Linear Generator Using Filtration “, Journal of Babylon University, vol.10, 2005.

5– B.K.AL-Shukur,”Design and characterizing key generator using statistical test to measure the random“, Journal of Babylon University, vol.6, 2006.

6- B.K.AL-Shakur, H.M.Salman,” Data compression using Berlkamp-massy algorithms”, Journal of Babylon University, 2006.

7- B.K.AL-Shakur, E.S.AL-Shamary, H.R.Mohamed, “A Time Delay Neural Network for Recognition the Stop and Nasal Approach Arabic”, Journal of Babylon University, vol.11, 2006.

8- B.K.AL-Shakur, H.M.Jaafer,” Method for Hiding Text in Color Image“, Journal of Babylon University, vol.11, 2006.

9- B.K.AL-Shukur,”Encryption of Audio File Using Block Cipher “, Journal of Babylon University, No.1, Vol.14, 2007.

10- B.K.AL-Shukur, “Hiding Text in Text by Using Multi Cryptography Algorithms”,“, Journal of Babylon University, 2008.

11-E.AL-Shamery, B.AL-Kanimy, H.AL-Mamory,”Palm Print Recognition Based on Winner Take All Neural Network“, Proceeding of ISIVC, 2008.

12- B.K.AL-Shukur,”Utilizing Hybrid Method for Edge detection “, Journal of AL-Qadisiya University, vol.1, 2008.

13-S.Zaki, B.K.Shukur,”Utilizing a FCM Algorithm and RLE for YUV image Compression”, Journal Technics, No.10, 2008.

14-A.M.AL-Bakry, B.K.AL-Shukur,”Utilizing Hybrid Methods for Video Image Compression”, AICIT, VOL.5, NO.11, November 30, ISSN: 1975-9339, 2011.

15-N.H.AL-Aaraj, A.M.AL-Bakry, B.K.AL-Shukur,”Design a Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering System for MRI Medical Images”, AICIT, 2011.

16- N.H.AL-Aaraj, A.M.AL-Bakry, B.K.AL-Shukur,”ON a Tumor Brain Image Classification “, AICIT, 2011.

17-Baheja K.Shukur,Hadab Khalid Obayes, Firas Sabah AL‐Turaihi, “Face Recognition Using Error Back propagation neural network-Based haar wavelet and moment invariants Selected Features,Archives Des Sciences, Vol.66, No. 4;Apr 2013.

18-Baheja K.Shukur,”Employing hybrid methods for compression color images ,Journal of Karbala University, No.91, Vol .2877, 2013.

19-BahejaK.Shukur,  Mahmoud Shaker,  Hadab Khalid Obayes, “Web classification based features extracted and K-NN algorithm”,British Journal of Science, April 2013, Vol. 8 (2).

20- Bahijakhudaiershukur,hiba Mohammed jafaar,Anwar JaaferMoosa,”A Novel Steganography Method for a Secret True Image“,International Journal of Engineering Research and Development ,Volume 6, Issue 4 (March 2013), PP. 65-73.

21- Bahijakhudaiershukur,SuraZakiNaji ,”Evaluation Clustering Image Using Steady State Genetic and Hybrid K-Harmonic Clustering Algorithms”,Journal of technology University, No.560,Iraq journal of computer, communication ,control & system engineering ,2013.

22- Baheja Kadhiur , Asst. Prof. Dr.Baheja K.Shukur , Swasan Hadi , W. Al-Hameed,”An Efficient Approach Implementation To Image Compression And Encryption”,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (ISSN: 1975-9339),2015.

23- Bahigah Khudair, Zainab Abdullah & Sawsan Hadi, “Design and Implementation a New Encryption System for True Image”.Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Issue 10,2016.

24- Baheja K.Shukur, Intissar hamid & Sawsan Hadi, ” Design and Implementation Secure System Based on mixed techniques”,COMSCET in DUABI 2018.

25- Prof. Dr. Eng. Sattar B. Sadkhan,Dr. Baheeja K. AL-Shukur,Ali k. Mattar .”Survey of Biometric Based Key Generation to Enhance Security of Cryptosystems “, Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science andApplications (AIC-MITCSA) – IRAQ (9-10) May, 2016.

26- Dr.Baheja K.Shukur & Hussain Ali Hussian,”An Efficient Methods For Hiding SecureImage In Image”,COMSCET) in DUABI,2017.

27- Prof. Dr. Eng. Sattar B. Sadkhan ,Dr. Baheeja K. AL-Shukur, Ali k. Mattar,

” Human Voice Extracted Biometric Features: What Can be Used for”,  International Conference on Current Research in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCIT), Slemani – Iraq,2017.

28- Dr.Baheja K.Shukur & Hussain Ali Hussian, “An Efficient Methods For Hiding Secure Image In Image”, COMSCET) in DUABI,2017.

29-Ali Abbas Alkhazraji,K.Baheeja,Asia Mahdi Nasser Alzubaidi,” Ancient textural restoration using deep neural networks. A literature Review “, Al- Sadiq International Conference on co mmunication and information technology, 2023.

30- Hussein A. Ismael1, Nabeel H. Al-A’araji1, Baheja Khudair Shukur,” Enhanced the prediction approach of diabetes using an autoencoder with regularization and deep neural network”,Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2022, pp.156-167.

31- Hussein A. Ismael , Nabeel H. Al-A’araji , Baheja khudair shukur ,”An Enhanced Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification Approach Using GLCM and

Deep Convolution Neural Network “,H.A. Ismael et al. / Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 8 (2022) 682e691.

32-ImanS. Razaq , BahejaK. Shukur ,” Combining wavelet transforms features and high‑level features using CNN for face morphing attack detection “,Int. j. inf. tecnol. (October 2023) 15(7):3957–3966 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-023-01424-2.

33- Iman Saleem, Bahja Khudair Shukr,” Techniques and Challenges for Generation and Detection Face Morphing Attacks: A Survey”,Iraqi Journal of Science, 2023, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp: 385-404

 DOI: 10.24996/ijs.2023.64.1.36.

34- ImanS. Razaq , BahejaK. Shukur,” Improved Face Morphing A ace Morphing Attack Detection Method Using PCA and ttack Detection Method Using PCA and

Convolutional Neural Network “,/ Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, Volume 9 Issue 2 Article 15,2023


-Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications


3-COMSCET in Malaysia