The College of Computer Science and Information Technology holds a course entitled “Contemporary International Covenants on Women’s Rights: Causes and Manifestations of Violence”
The College of Computer Science and Information Technology held, for the second day, a course entitled “Contemporary International Conventions on Women’s Rights: Causes and Manifestations of Violence” today, Thursday, 1/4/2024, at Al-Khwarizmi Hall, in cooperation with the College of Education for Humanities and the College of Dentistry, in which the following professors lectured:
M.M. Israa Muhammad Ali
M.D. Fatima Sahib Abdul
millimeter. Aseel Abdel Reda Shalabh
millimeter. Zainab Hammoud Kazar
The course focused on defining what violence is and the types of violence practiced against women, especially in Eastern and Western societies as well
The course aimed to identify the methods and types of violence against women, ways to prevent it, and inform women of the laws related to protection from violence against women in light of the law.
In conclusion, the organizers of the course recommended the need to definitively reduce the issue of violence by resorting to the law and Islamic law, and the need to raise awareness from an educational standpoint about the psychological and physical harms of violence.