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The Cisco Academy unit holds a workshop on the Academy’s curriculum and training courses

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The Cisco Academy unit in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Karbala held a workshop on the academy’s curriculum and its training courses in the Cisco Academy laboratory located in the scientific departments building. The workshop was managed by Dr. Ahmed Salih, Director of the Academy in Karbala, where he focused on the curriculum of each training course and the party interested in it. The attendees were from various governmental and private institutions. The main objective of the academy is to work on training participants to learn the basics of networks and how to deal with networking devices produced by the international company Cisco within a scientific and academic basis that serves the tremendous development in the field of communications. Note that the company grants an international certificate from the Cisco International Academy through certified trainers, which is commensurate with the labor market and the actual need for such training courses and for different levels.
The Director of the Academy told the Media Division, “The Academy is continuing its programs to develop the capabilities of the participants, and we welcome the arrival of new participants to join the course curriculum.”