You are currently viewing Throughout the blessed month of Ramadan, the University of Karbala has commenced preparing 1700 iftar meals for students in the university’s residential departments.

Throughout the blessed month of Ramadan, the University of Karbala has commenced preparing 1700 iftar meals for students in the university’s residential departments.

Throughout the blessed month of Ramadan, the University of Karbala has begun preparing 1700 iftar meals for students residing in the university’s dormitories, under the direct supervision of the university’s president, Professor Dr. Basim Khalil Nael Al-Saadi, and the administrative assistant, Professor Dr. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri, along with several professors and staff members.

University President Professor Dr. Basim Khalil Nael Al-Saadi stated, “In honoring this blessed month, a communal iftar banquet was organized for students residing in the university’s dormitories, who come from various Iraqi provinces, as well as foreign students who have joined our classrooms this year as part of the ‘Study in Iraq’ initiative.”

He emphasized that such humanitarian initiatives for students enhance social aspects and foster a sense of familial spirit among students and their academic environment, noting that the university has taken upon itself to offer many such initiatives, as they strengthen the bonds of love among everyone.

On his part, the Director of Dormitories, Dr. Haider Ghareeb, clarified that this initiative will continue throughout the blessed month, providing daily iftar meals for over 1700 students residing in the student dormitory complex and the female student housing facilities.