Understanding Deep Fake Technologies

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a seminar entitled (Understanding Deep Fake Technologies). The seminar was given by Dr. Ali Ridha Hassoun of the Department of Computer Science. He explained the mechanisms of GAN neural networks in generating fake videos and ways of identifying them. He added that deep fake is the latest video faking technology where people's faces are changed to other faces for the purpose of blackmailing or damaging reputation. This issue is, of course, of great importance in our conservative society.…

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The Use of the Internet of Things in the Agricultural Field

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a seminar on (The Use of the Internet of Things in the Agricultural Field). The seminar was presented by Dr. Ru’a Abdul-Ridha of the Department of Information Technology on 19/5/2021. She reviewed the mechanisms of work using the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence and the importance of modern technology in the development of agriculture. She added that it is possible that this development will lead to a significant increase in crop productivity through the establishment of smart…

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A webinar in cooperation with the University of Saad Dahlab Blida, Algeria

Under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, a webinar was held on May the 10th between the University of Karbala, Department of Computer Science and the University of Saad Dahlab Blida, Algeria. A lecture entitled “Computer Vision in Healthcare” was given by Prof. Hisham Felouat of the University of Blida, Algeria. The webinar was managed by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ashwan Anwar Abdul-Mun’im), of the Computer Science Department. Many tutors and specialized researchers from our university and other universities participated.…

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Context-awareness in Pervasive Computing

The College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Department of Information Technology held a seminar entitled (Context-awareness in Pervasive Computing) on 03/18/2021, presented by Dr Mohammed M Hassoun Al-Jawad and attended by the university professors and researchers. The seminar dealt with the latest developments in the field of smart computing and information technology

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Lorawan Network Architecture

On Wednesday 10/02/2021, a seminar was held in the Department of Information Technology on LoRaWAN Network Architecture by Dr. Zaid Hasan Nasrallah. Dr. Nasrallah presented a brief on LoRa technology used in Internet networks. He added that through this technology, data can be sent over long distances, reaching up to 15 km in rural areas and 5 km in urban ones with very little energy compared to the energy consumed in other technologies. This technology also provides security of information by encrypting data using the AES-128 bit…

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Breast Cancer Classification based on Unsupervised Linear Transformation along with the Cos Similarity Machine Learning

A seminar was held by Asst. Prof. Dr. Ashwan Anwar Abdul-Mun’im, a lecturer in the Computer Department/College of Computer Science and Information Technology. The seminar submitted a proposal to apply machine learning techniques to the problem of breast cancer classification. This classification depends on the use of the unsupervised linear transformation technique together with Cos Similarity Machine Learning. In the unsupervised transformation, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) technique was used. PCA is used in analyzing a breast cancer dataset to identify effective and unique features. In addition,…

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Driver drowsiness detection based on spatio-temporal features with 3d convolutional neural networks

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nour Dhia’ Jawad, a tutor at the Computer Department / College of Computer Science and Information Technology, held a seminar on (DRIVER DROWSINESS DETECTION BASED ON SPATIO-TEMPORAL FEATURES WITH 3D CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS). It deals with how to use, implement and monitor a person's behaviour in a computer vision system in various control applications that provide human-computer interaction. The essence of these computer vision systems is based on extracting the various features of the human being and then tracking these feature maps over time…

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Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning

As part of the scientific activities and events of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, an online seminar titled ( Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning ) was held on ( 1/2/2021), presented by the lecturer ( Dr. Akeel Abdulkareem Alsakaa) and attended by academic lecturers and postgraduate students at the college. The seminar dealt with the latest scientific developments in the field of data mining and analysis and machine learning methods.

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Selecting one of the members of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology teaching staff to run a session at an international conference

Asst. Prof. Dr. Iyad Hameed Mousa of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology was chosen as chair of one of the sessions at the Sixth International Conference on Science and Technology, which was held in Malaysia from 18-20 December 2020. The session involved several themes including Management, Economics, Information Technology and Education. It is to be mentioned that Dr. Mousa was chosen for his great experience and multiple contributions in the field of scientific research

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Discovering events in Twitter using topic modelling

On 14 /12, a seminar was held in the computer department on discovering events in Twitter using modelling. The seminar was conducted by Dr. Hiba Jabbar, who explained the significance of Twitter as an academic research platform due to its importance in social media sites. She also discussed a system that discovers events from the textual analysis of tweets depending on the principle of topic modelling. She further revealed the challenges of the topic and how to solve them scientifically.

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